
Monday, 25 November 2013

November News...

Firstly, I HAVE A JOB PEOPLE :D I'm now a music teacher..and I'll be teaching saxophone, clarinet and piano! I'm really looking forward to starting work :D

The THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS/YOU ME AT SIX CONCERT was awesome! Like completely awesome. Especially You me at six. They were fabulous. 

My friend's 18th :)
owh man, this picture is on it's side -.- where is the rotate button on this thing?!

Saturday, 9 November 2013

I actually quite like this

Let me sign - Robert Pattinson (Youtube link)

People complain about his acting but I must admit..I do like his voice!

Christmas Run-up

I've been weighed down by the thought of my Piano exam on the 7th December (which I'm currently screwed for) mainly because I don't practice my exam pieces/scales as much as I should (I blame the modern composers who compose nicer pieces that are more enjoyable to play). So anyway, I've been turning down any other plans before this exam. But I've changed my mind on that now because it's the run up to Christmas and I don't want to be a Scrooge!

Instead, I have organised to go to a couple of concerts- You me at six/Thirty Seconds to Mars with Katie and then Don Broco (+ Bad Rabbits and Lonely the Brave) with Jade and possibly some other friends too :D Also the Winter Good Food show is coming up so I'll try and organise for some friends to come along (hopefully!) They usually have free tasters so what is there to lose? I'm excited for next weekend too as I'm going to a party for my friend's 18th :D OOOHH and I'm definitely going to be seeing Catching Fire as well :D

Starting to get into the Christmas spirit :P

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


So, we went on a little outing to Birmingham and came back with kiddies face paints after I discovered a free face paint stall in selfridges :D haha